Books and Other Writing
At present all books are sold through online bookstores. Each image links to sales page.
Unfolding the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Available Nov 25)
Unfolding the Arab-Israeli Conflict exposes the roots and evolution of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, from the birth of Zionism in 1894 to the aftermath of the Six Day War. It reveals the secret deals and conflicting promises that led to Britain's mandate over Palestine, presenting a well-researched and documented narrative, peppered with first-person accounts and vivid memories, resulting in a unique view of the foundation of Arab-Israeli Conflict. Hallaj offers a scholarly yet deeply personal and accessible narrative that serves as a reminder of the imperative to understand the past before attempting to chart a path to a more equitable future.
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestine Question
Edited by Edward Said &Christopher Hitchens (Muhammad Hallaj's contribution is in Chapter 11.
Since the 1948 war which drove them from their homes, the Palestinian people have consistently been denied the most basic democratic rights. Blaming the Victims shows how the fate of the Palestinians has been justified by spurious academic attempts to dismiss their claim to a home within the boundaries of historical Palestine and even to deny their very existence.